CANCERNA Partners held a face-to-face meeting on September 5-6, 2022 meeting in Jerusalem
List of participants CANCERNA Partners Held A Face-To-Face Meeting On September 5-6, 2022 Meeting In Jerusalem
- Hadassah Cancer Research Institute
- Bar-Ilan University (BIU)
- ICREA and Center for Genomic Regulation (CRG)
- The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
- Immunyx
- Instituto de Medicina Molecular -IMM
- Josep Carreras
- University of Antwerp
- Amsterdam UMC
- Universitätsklinikum Erlangen
- Merck
- InterLabs
- Advisory Board Prof. Lynne Maquat
Prof Michal Lotem
Hadassah Cancer Research Institute and Prof Rotem Karni, Faculty of Medicine Hebrew University
Important participants
Prof Lynne Maquat, Uni of Rochester, NY– 2021 Wolf prize winner
Prof Maria Carmo Fonseca – U. Lisbon, Prof. Juan Valcarcel, Center for Genomic Regulation, Barcelona Spain
Prof Tanja DeGruijl– U Amsterdam
Prof Niels Schaft, U Erlangen
Amalia Herszkowicz, COO at HCRi and CANCERNA’s communications officer